Thumbprint Biscuits

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Thumbprint Biscuits

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These are the perfect little buttery biscuits to enjoy with a cup of tea.  They are quick and easy to make and taste delicious.   


You can fill your thumbprint with any number of fillings including jams, marmalade, peanut butter, or lemon curd.  Our picture shows the biscuits made using raspberry and apricot jam, marmalade, and peanut butter.  All the flavours were delicious with the raspberry jam and marmalade options proving most popular.     


Makes: 20 cookies

Preparation time: 15 minutes



115g butter, softened

½ cup sugar

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp vanilla essence

200g flour  (see Note 1)

½ tsp baking powder

1 large egg

Your favourite jam, marmalade, lemon curd, or peanut butter



  1. Preheat oven to 170°C.

  2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

  3. Cream the butter, sugar, salt, and vanilla until light and creamy.  Add an egg and beat well, sift in the dry ingredients, and mix gently to combine.

  4. Roll the dough into walnut-sized balls (approx 25g each) and place onto baking paper, leaving 2cm between each biscuit.  

  5. Press your thumbprint into the centre of each cookie (see Note 2) 

  6. Fill with a small spoonful of your favourite preserve or filling.  

  7. Bake until the edges of the cookies are golden for 12-14 minutes.

  8. Remove and allow to cool before enjoying.


Our notes and observations when making this recipe: 

 1.  We used gluten-free flour with great success for the cookies pictured. 

2.  Our suggestion would be to press with the top of your thumb to create quite a deep dent that is not too wide.  This will contain the filling rather than letting it spread as it did for our photo (this did not affect the taste, they were delicious).  


Stir Tea Recommendation:  These cookies are perfectly suited to accompany a black tea.  Try English BreakfastAssam or Darjeeling.  


Recipe Acknowledgement:

This recipe is from the hugely talented Alison Lambert, a Dunedin based chef and devoted foodie.  

You will find more of her inspired recipes on her website at:


Wishing you Happy Tea Times - from the Stir Tea Team.